Ashraff Memorial Hospital  is compliant with ISO 14064 – an environmental
management system that helps to identify, manage, monitor and control
environmental issues in a holistic manner. It considers all environmental
issues relevant to our operations, such as air pollution, water and sewage
issues, waste management, resource use and efficiency. We recognisethe need to drive continuous improvement of our system and approach to environmental concerns and have given prominence to environmental management in our strategic  planning process.


• Ongoing sustainability management of our environmental impact within our service operations and acting to reduce our rates of emissions, energy and waste.
• Reducing or offsetting our Carbon footprint and the prevention of pollution.
• Compliance with relevant environmental laws and regulations as a minimum level of performance and challenging ourselves to exceed these standards in this key areas.
• Continuous improvement of our environmental Management Performance. 

We will demonstrate this commitment through:
• Establishing and Maintaining our environmental management system and waste management system.
• Defining and communicating environmental management and waste management roles and responsibilities.
• Setting objectives measurable targets to monitor continuous improvement.
• Benchmarking our environmental performance within the health care industry.
• Incorporating environmental considerations into our purchasing and business decision – making processes.
• Promoting efficient transport solutions and implementing initiatives that reduce our air and fleet transport impacts.
• Engaging our staff, volunteers, Suppliers, Contractors, Patients, residents and the public, in encouraging participation in environmental practices.
• Promoting the efficient use of energy, water and paper resources.
• Promoting maximum effort to minimize air, water, land and sound and vibration pollutions.
• Investing in energy and water saving technologies and management, where practical
• Sharing resources and information on environmental initiatives throughout our organization.
• Engaging in community consultation to consider environmental impact of major development projects in accordance with local regulatory requirements.
• Mandating employees and contractors to report environmental hazards, damage and near miss incidents. 

Seed Ball Project

Making Seed Balls

The technique for creating seed balls was rediscovered by Japanese natural farming pioneer Masanobu Fukuoka.The technique was also used, for instance, in ancient Egypt to repair farms after the annual spring flooding of the Nile. In modern times, during the period of the Second World War, this Japanese government plant scientist working in a government lab, Fukuoka, who lived on the mountainous island of Shikoku, wanted to find a technique that would increase food production without taking away from the land already allocated for traditional rice production which thrived in the volcanic rich soils of Japan.

Plant Nursesry

Item Subtitle

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Environmental Awarness

Awarness Workshop to School

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Amet nam sit, incidunt praesentium officia nihil voluptatem similique, numquam, eos eius magnam accusamus quia. Aspernatur minus unde, adipisci excepturi atque quibusdam?

No Polythene 

policy declaration

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Amet nam sit, incidunt praesentium officia nihil voluptatem similique, numquam, eos eius magnam accusamus quia. Aspernatur minus unde, adipisci excepturi atque quibusdam?



Ashraff Memorial Hospital is one of the major hospitals in the coastal region of Ampara District.
Presently it is functioning as a Base Hospital Type A and serves to a population about 0.5 million. It has close to 300 beds to treat patients who need in-ward treatment. The hospital operations run 24/7 throughout the year. The entire facility is equipped with the modern equipment and green technologies.
Following green initiations have been already implemented in the facility,
▪ Use of biomass fired hot water catering system for cooking needs
▪ Generation of bio gas using food and other waste
▪ Rain water harvesting system
▪ Collection of water coming out of AC outdoor unit
▪ Solar PV system with Net metering
▪ Broken lights are being replaced LEDs

Contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The United Nations’ SDGs were signed into effect in September 2015 galvanising global efforts to end poverty, promote prosperity and protect the environment. The 17 interrelated global goals cover a broad range of social development, environmental and social justice considerations and includes 169 targets and 244 indicators. Businesses, along with governments will play a vital role in the country’s progress towards achieving these goals and 
we are exploring how we can contribute towards these targets. The goals which are of greatest relevance to our operations and how we are currently  contributing towards these targets are presented below.


Ensure healthy lives and promote
well-being for all at all ages
Our operations directly
contribute towards improving
access to healthcare in the
country’s capital.
* Inpatients treated: 28,012
* Outpatients treated: 359,576
* Surgeries performed: 10,927


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The first Energy audit at AMHK was conducted by the University of
Moratuwa which identified areas for energy
saving without compromising service quality


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Ensure sustainable consumption and
production patterns
A comprehensive environmental
management framework ensures
that the consumption of all natural
resources are tracked and monitored
on a continuous basis. We also produce
an Integrated Annual Report and
comply with the GRI Standards on
Sustainability Reporting.

As a responsible corporate citizen AMHK committed to providing healthcare services in a sustainable manner with minimum effect on the environment.
Accordingly, we drive concerted efforts to conserve energy and water, dispose of hazardous waste in a responsible manner and to reduce carbon emissions in line with international best practices.



Total GHG emission for the year 2018 (tCO2e)



Stationary combustion in diesel generators, Fuel combustion from Hospital Owned vehicles, Emission from off-road transportation (Tractor), Emission from LPG consumption, Diesel combustion from Incinerator and Emission from incineration.



Indirect emissions associated with grid purchased electricity
Our energy requirements are
fulfilled entirely through the
national grid. Electricity remains
the main contributor to our carbon



Indirect emissions associated with Staff transportation not paid by the hospital, Fuel combustion from drug transportation, Waste disposal, Municipal water consumption, and Transmission & Distribution Loss of purchased electricity.

Verification Standard :

ISO 14064-3: 2006 Specification with guidance for the validation and verification of greenhouse gas assertions.The verification was conducted for the period of January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018

Energy Consumption & Efficiency

The energy audit carried out in the AMHK to ascertain the present status of energy usage and the potential for energy conservation in the hospital premises. The audit also presents the energy cost share among different processes which will support to understand the importance of energy conservation and management especially in high energy consuming areas of the institution.
- Demand, power and power quality analysis for main energy supply system
- Power analysis of major energy consumers
- Solar PV system analysis
- Lighting system analysis

Energy Consumption

Energy from solar power 36,000.00
Energy saving from Bio Mass Hot water 20,804.00
Energy transferred from Electricity 1,407,140.64 

Energy Efficiency

Total useful energy 1,463,944.64
energy to be needed 2,174,436.40
Energy efficiency 67% 

Energy Background

Electricity from national grid is the main energy sources to the factory. Electricity is drawn through a 630-kVA transformer and distributed to the sectional sub panels through the main panel. A diesel generator (550 kVA) is connected to main supply for withstanding during power cuts. From the sub panels, electricity is distributed to individual machines. The main panel room is not maintained well; markings need to placed to identify the sub meters. Metering is done in the low–tension side and billed according to Government Purpose 2 (GV-2) tariff system. For the blood bank building the metering is done separately under General Purpose 1 (GP-1) Net metering as solar panels are installed in the rooftop.

Green Future 

All economic activities invariably have an impact on the environment. We adopt an integrated approach that takes into consideration the direct and indirect economic, social, health and environmental implications of our decisions and activities.

We seek to improve operating performance by reducing energy, water use, waste and carbon emissions while lowering operating costs.


Promoting Community based tree planting

By the tree planting 14.05 tones CO2 absorbed for 2018 


Reaching zero balancing carbon foot print in the institution

2,950.93 ton eq in 2018
11.337-ton CO2 eq in 2018


Establishing renewable energy supplementation by solar power & wind win

by Renewable Energy 65.20 tCO2 prevented in 2018

Energy [GRI 302-1/302-3] 

Our energy requirements are
fulfilled entirely through the
national grid. Electricity remains
the main contributor to our carbon
footprint. During the year Lanka
Hospital’s energy consumption
increased by 4% to 38,370 Mj
due to capacity expansion. Energy
intensity (defined as energy usage
per inpatient) increased by 0.4%
to 1,370 J. Key energy initiatives
during the year are,
*Usage of LED lighting solutions
for all new projects and theatre
*Creating awareness of energy
conservation among employees
*Implementation of
recommendations relating to
saving energy based on the
energy audit conducted by the
University of Moratuwa


Water is essential for AMHK's
operations and its usage
is monitored closely. Consumption
of water increased by 0.6% to
127.77 Ml during the year. Various
measures are in place to minimise
water consumption including
installing sensor taps, control
sensors and an incident reporting
system to identify leaks. Creating
awareness and instilling the
importance of water conservation
among employees has also
contributed towards controlling
the increase of water consumption
during the year.

Waste and Effluents [GRI 306-1] 

The main types of solid waste
generated through our operations
include plastic cans, cardboard
and paper. These are segregated
at source and sent to third party
recyclers approved by the Central
Environmental Authority. The nature of our operations make the discharge of toxic waste inevitable, and measures are in place to
ensure the responsible and nonhazardous
disposal of all types of waste. The toxic waste is treated prior to disposal and sent to an


The Government policies on Energy.
1. National Energy Policy
2. Renewable Energy Forecast
3. Policy Targets


New system invented
1. Rainwater harvesting System 
2. Water Recirculation System at CSSD 
3. Water Reuse System at Dialysis unit
4. AC Condensate water catchment System 
5. Biomass fired hot water System 
6. Energy Saving – generator operation Flex alert System 
7. Water purification filter in the water pond 
8. Solar Power System
9. Rain water recharging point 
10. Bio gas System 
11. Digital X-ray System
12. Computerization of waste management unit at collecting center 
13. Metamizer for infectious & hazardous waste 



polythene carry bage and shooping bages are strictly prohibited inside the hospital premises.Plastic bags are everywhere in our environment. When we go to purchase our groceries, we use plastic bags because they are convenient. In fact, in our modern lives, it has become part of us. However, the convenience of these plastic bags come at a very high cost to the environment and negatively affects human health. Several cities globally have begun banning the use of plastic bags while some have enforced restricted laws against the use of plastic bags because of the negative effects of the use of their usage.

Polythene banned.

Besides, the use of plastic bags is considered as one of the great issues that humans are facing in their contemporary life. Cities such as China have banned the use of plastics. Bangladesh and India has only banned the use and sale of polythene bags which basically have thickness of less than 50 microns.

Below are some of the 20+ reasons why plastic bags should be banned from our cities. !

Plastic bags do not only pollute our water but also our land. Plastic bags are usually lightweight and as such, they can travel very long distances by either water or wind. Wind blows these plastic bags and trashes a whole area. These litters gets caught up in between trees, fences and floats in water bodies thus moving to the world’s oceans.

The plastic bags are made from non-renewable sources and on this account, highly contribute to climate change. Most of plastic is made of polypropylene which is a material manufactured from petroleum and natural gas. All of the materials are non-renewable fossil fuel-based materials and through their extraction and even production, greenhouse gases are created which further contribute to global climate change.  

A lot of energy is used in producing these bags. The total amount of energy required to drive a car for one kilometre or 0.5 miles is the equivalent energy required to produce nine plastic bags. It is not rational that these non-renewable resources are used to make plastic bags when the typical useful life of each and every plastic bag is around 12 minutes.

Plastic bags do not degrade. In truth, petroleum based plastic bags never degrade. Instead of the plastic degrading, it is broken down into small tiny pieces which are swept down and end up in the oceans which are then consumed by wildlife. Currently, there are approximately 46,000-1,000,000 plastic fragments floating within every square mile of the globes oceans.

Plastic bags are harmful to wildlife and marine life. Birds, animals and marine life such as sea turtles and fish often mistake the plastic bag and other plastic materials for food and consume them. What happens once they consume these plastic materials is that their digestive system gets congested leading to the development of health infections and death when there is suffocation. The animals may also become easily entangled inside the plastic.

Plastic bags are harmful to human health. There are some chemicals from the plastic bags which can disrupt the normal functioning of hormones in the body. Most plastic fragments in the oceans like plastic bags have some pollutants such as PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyl) together with PAHs (Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) which are hormone disrupting. Once the marine animals consume these chemicals, they move through the food web then later into the humans who consume fish together with other marine animals. The chemical materials bio-accumulates in the sea animals and fish system as they are exposed to them in the ocean waters. When the humans prepare them they consume all these chemicals affecting their healths. They could develop cancers or other serious conditions.  

Plastic bags are expensive and hard to clean or remove from the environment. The amount of plastic bag cleanup is around 17 cents per bag thus in average the taxpayers end up paying around $88 each year just on plastic bag waste. These plastic bags also cost 3-5 cents each. Thus, the plastic considered free is not free after all. Individuals pay a lot to purchase them and even for reusing them. For this reason, plastics should simply be banned.  

Plastic bags have external costs. Several costs are attributed to the production of plastic bags. A prime example is the production and environmental costs.  

Plastic bags are not easy to recycle. Plastic bags are said to present significant challenge in terms of recycling. Recycling facilities do not have the capacity to recycle plastic bags and thus do not accept them. Therefore, the actual recycling rate for plastic bags is around 5%. 

Plastic bags tend to last more; perhaps forever and we even use so many of them. Plastic bags never degrade completely which shows that as more of them are produced by companies, then more are introduced into the environment. Therefore, the more the amount of plastic bags the more there is plastic pollution and its effects. Banning the use of plastic bags will help reduce this great effect. Even if we did decide to recycle plastic bags, these materials still do end up in oceans and landfills. Recycling the plastic bags does not affect the fact that they will still be dumped into the environment and end up into either landfills or oceans. These recycled plastic bags are not degradable and cause the same effects as non-recycled plastic bags.  

These plastic bags are impacting the environment negatively in that they are making the Great Pacific garbage patch bigger every minute. Most of the plastic materials once released into the environment find their way into waterways and once they are there they dumped into oceans. Great Pacific Ocean is one such area negatively affected with all the plastic material. The more they are thrown into the oceans the more they increase causing the garbage patch to increase in size.  

Bans should be adopted because they are greatly effective at reducing plastic big waste. China banned plastic bags and four years later, the amount of plastic bags thrown into the environment had reduced by 40 billion. If the US bans plastic bags, there would be fewer landfills.  

Plastic bags help keep our streets clean. Most of our cities are not clean especially Indian and most African country streets because people don’t care to know where they throw their garbage. They do it in water bodies, streets and in the landfills. These wastes litter our streets making them look ugly affecting their aesthetic value.


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Multi Homepages

It helps spread awareness. When we ban plastic bags, we keep our environment clean and at the same time send some message globally about the importance of environment protection. People learn that banning plastic is for a reason and they can take up such important information. They can subsequently begin to understand that the plastic causes some negative effects and the environment and humans need protection against them.

Responsive Design

With a ban on plastic bags, there would be improved technology which would boost other businesses. With such a ban, the society would be required to produce some more sophisticated bags. A great manpower will be required by the manufacturing factories so they can make eco-friendly and greener materials.

Smart Watch

With a ban on plastic bags, there would be improved technology which would boost other businesses. With such a ban, the society would be required to produce some more sophisticated bags. A great manpower will be required by the manufacturing factories so they can make eco-friendly and greener materials.

Design out of the box

Banning plastic bags helps save money. These plastics cost a lot of money because the final costs account for the total production costs from their manufacture using petroleum to when they will be thrown away.
People are ready for the ban and thus, it should be adopted. People have seen how much the plastic bags have adverse effects on their health’s and environment and thus, they have desired and opted for change. This change is the use of eco-friendly materials.
Through banning plastic bags, the people will learn to support local workers together with green industries.

Awesome Reports

People can opt for manufacturing reusable bags so that they create products which are sustainable. Manufacturing reusable bags will create new job opportunities in terms of green manufacturing, research and processing of packaging products.
Other nations are banning the use of plastic because they have noticed that it is causing harm to the environment and human health. Currently, over 40 nations together with municipalities around the globe have instituted plastic bag bans. Other nations should follow suit to reduce the overall environmental implications.

Multi Homepages

UNEP secretariat has recommended a ban on all plastic bags worldwide. This means there are a thousand and one reasons for the ban of plastic bags. If some governments cannot ban them completely, then they can make the people pay heftily for using plastic bags to discourage its usage.

Through the banning of plastic, cities in various nations can begin to focus on other bigger waste diversion challenges. Cities have had set targets that they are supposed to achieve like in Toronto, Canada where the city council is required to achieve 70% waste diversion by 2010. People cannot achieve the set target because most households do not have green bins. If there is plastic bag bans then city council can place their focus and attention on getting green bins to various apartment buildings and then meeting waste diversion targets.


We strongly believe that our future success is dependent on our employees who are also our greatest asset. We are committed to attracting, retaining and developing the most suitable professionals and establishing an environment for them in which they are encouraged to realise their full potential.


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